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The best-selling book that puts infants and toddlers to sleep like magic.
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An eBook containing safe, natural techniques to choose whether to have a boy or a girl.
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Mystic shows you how to open your third eye. Become psychic and explore spirit safely.
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Bethanny Davis draws on her own experience as a single mom to share helpful advice with readers.
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Information Resources for special needs parents & disability professionals.
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Starting Child Daycare

Step by Step Guide to help you easily and quickly start your own profitable home-based day care business.
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Baby Naming eBook.
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The good, the bad and the funny - a pocket guide on symptoms to expect while pregnant!
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Learn how to raise good happy confident children with the expert parenting advice in my ebook Parenting is Tough.

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Finally discover how to successfully Choose the Sex of your Baby.
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Sale of e-book How To Provide The Optimum Care For Your Baby With Down Syndrome.
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A collection of all verbal word games for the whole family to play during short and long road trips.
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Parenting made easy. Save time and Effort and do what really works!
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Explode the myths and learn the real secrets of relationship building and effective communication that have changed lives.
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Good Parents Bad Parenting - Book

Parent/Child Relationship Expert with over 10 years of experience helping thousands of parents raise happy & successful children.
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Information regarding gender selection ,fertility advice and hormonal health .
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Gendercare is a gender therapy, gender training and gender technology development site. We treat and teach about gender.

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